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Candied Nuts

I love using egg white to fluff up the coating on these baked nuts. It adds a really unique texture to some amazing flavours because the egg white and sugar make for a merringue. Plus, baking this makes your whole house smell like the holidays.

I adopted a recipe from Food & Wine, changing it to meet the ingredients I had.

I did not put down a preference for nuts here. Generally I avoid using peanuts, because if you buy a mix with peanuts in it, they seem to dominate. Ideally buy the nuts that are your favourites. I find that pecans and walnuts take to this coating the best. Cashews are a distant second, as are almonds. I added in hazelnuts this year, and while they do not take to the coating well, they are a delicious addition.

Prep time: 15 min

Cook time: 40-50 min @ 300F


1/2 C sugar

1/2 tbsp kosher salt

2 tsp cinnamon

1 tsp all spice

2 tsp cayanne pepper

1 egg white

4 cups raw nuts

Grease a cookie sheet with olive or coconut oil or line it with parchment paper.

In a small bowl whisk together the salt and spices.

In a large bowl beat the egg white until fluffy or frothy.

Add in the nuts and spice mixture. Toss to coat.

Spread evenly on the cookie sheet.

Bake for 20 to 25 minutes and then mix. These will be fragrant and browned when they are finished cooking.

Store in an airtight container.

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